For my Zine and first project I want to surround my ideas based off of past places I have traveled too. I studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain a year ago for the spring semester of my junior year and it was truly the best months of my life.
Right now I am back and forth between making the Zine only my experience in Barcelona and a "ode" to my time in the city or going a bit deeper into the specific cities that I traveled to. In total I visited 15 different cities across Europe and even traveled to North Africa and the Sahara Desert. I have thousands of pictures in my camera roll and souvenirs to draw inspiration or ideas from.
I like the idea of having my outer shell of my Zine be a suitcase shape or something to mimic a passport. I would want to showcase some of the favorite foods, architecture, art, and experiences I had in the cities or just Barcelona.
If I focus on just Barcelona some of my page ideas include:
the music scene that made me grow to LOVE techno and EDM
Barceloneta Beach
Tapas and Sangria
Gaudi and his Architecture
The Sagrada Familia
Picasso and His influence
The Spanish language
FC Barcelona
The Gothic Quarter
If I decide to focus more on the traveling I did abroad I would want to include:
Barcelona (mainly the Sagrada Familia since it is so famous)
Paris (my second favorite city)
Ibiza (because it had been a dream to visit and I was there for opening weekend)
Lake Como