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Brainstorm Blog #1


For my Zine and first project I want to surround my ideas based off of past places I have traveled too. I studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain a year ago for the spring semester of my junior year and it was truly the best months of my life.

Right now I am back and forth between making the Zine only my experience in Barcelona and a "ode" to my time in the city or going a bit deeper into the specific cities that I traveled to. In total I visited 15 different cities across Europe and even traveled to North Africa and the Sahara Desert. I have thousands of pictures in my camera roll and souvenirs to draw inspiration or ideas from.

I like the idea of having my outer shell of my Zine be a suitcase shape or something to mimic a passport. I would want to showcase some of the favorite foods, architecture, art, and experiences I had in the cities or just Barcelona.

If I focus on just Barcelona some of my page ideas include:

  • the music scene that made me grow to LOVE techno and EDM

  • Barceloneta Beach

  • Tapas and Sangria

  • Gaudi and his Architecture

  • The Sagrada Familia

  • Picasso and His influence

  • The Spanish language

  • FC Barcelona

  • The Gothic Quarter

If I decide to focus more on the traveling I did abroad I would want to include:

  • Barcelona (mainly the Sagrada Familia since it is so famous)

  • Paris (my second favorite city)

  • Ibiza (because it had been a dream to visit and I was there for opening weekend)

  • Rome

  • Morocco

  • Lake Como

  • Greece

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