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P2 Final Artist Statement


For my final sound piece for project two, I originally wanted to start with my morning routine and gathered my sounds from time time I woke up until the time that I left for my morning classes. I started with turning my light on my nightstand on, taking a sip of water and the ice inside of it, all the way to me putting my coat on and zipping it up.

When I started to go through the sounds in the shared folder I found the basketball dribbling and it really stuck with me. I played basketball all throughout growing up and very competitively in high school and miss it very much. Therefore when I heard the sound I needed to use it. So that is when my idea shifted from my morning routine before school to maybe the idea of my life in high school. Throughout the process of putting together my sound piece and exploring the individual sounds, I came to really like the overlapping of sounds to create an overwhelming effect. That is when the idea shifted yet again to just chaos. My final idea was to make the piece as chaotic as possible while also trying to create a routine in the noises.

From there I wanted to keep the basketball dribbling consistent throughout because for me personally it brought me calmness and centered me. The other sounds I tried to use and incorporate in a way that flowed while keeping a sense of "what could come next?".

Overall, I think I executed the idea of conveying chaos. In the future and moving forward I want to keep a closer eye on my gaps in sounds and keeping a little bit better of a flow throughout.

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